Open Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM

The Town of Vestal Engineering Department is an integral part of the Town's infrastructure that offers a wide range of services to both individual town departments and the people of our community alike. From reviewing large construction plans to helping you replace your sidewalks, we take pride in providing our services to the Town of Vestal.

Our department is primarily responsible for managing capital projects decided upon by the Town Board, which are typically town creations aimed towards the public. We also act as a liaison to various State and Federal agencies such as the NYSDEC, FEMA, EPA, and more. Most importantly, we ensure that many town facilities are maintained and operational. This includes providing engineering services to the Water & Sewer and Highway Departments, reviewing development plans, and repairing certain public facilities. Take some time to explore our page and learn more about our responsibilities or gain information on how we operate.

Vernon Myers, PE

Town Engineer

133 Front Street

(607) 786-0980 Ext. 209

Frequently Asked Questions

Connor Foster, CPESC-IT

Engineer Technician

133 Front Street

(607) 786-0980 Ext. 212

What's New?

Storm Water Management Program

A new Storm Water Management Program has been developed to help our Town better manage, document, and improve its storm drainage systems and structures. The program outlines Best Management Practices (BMPs), Measurable Goals, and municipal procedures that aid in the process. Check it out here.

Storm Water Assets Map

The Broome-Tioga Stormwater Coalition (BTSC) has been working on obtaining new mapping software and equipment to aid in the documentation of stormwater systems. This program can improve the access of information between departments of outfalls, manholes, and numerous other systems and structures within the Town of Vestal.

Annual Storm Water Reports

View the latest storm water reports here.