Pavilion Reservations
All Pavilion Reservations are for Arnold Park online only - Reservations are open for 2025
To reserve a pavilion, go to
Login or create an account.
Reserve or Facilities. To view availability, go to facilities & then calendar, type in date.
Select a facility & date (There are 4 covered shelters).
Fill in purpose (i.e. family reunion) and head count.
Alcohol Permit - (Optional) Look under Policies & Information. Permit request under “additional information”. You must obtain your own insurance and pay an additional $50.00 fee to the Town of Vestal for an alcohol permit. Payment process is the same as below. Once we have a copy of your insurance and it has been approved by the Town attorney, you will be billed $50.00. Please allow two weeks to process the insurance approval.
Food Trucks - Food trucks are permitted following approval. A letter will need to be submitted to the Town Clerk's office indicating what food truck you are using, what the event is for and the date. The clerk will inform you if there will need to be additional approval. There is a $50 fee made out to the Town Clerk.
Submit. Your request has now been submitted to the Recreation Department for approval. Once approved, you will have 14 days to pay to secure your shelter or it will be released back to the public.
Payment - You can pay through your account or in the office. Your reservation is on hold for 2 weeks. If you intend not to use the date, please let us know, otherwise you are responsible for payment in full. You can request a refund up to two weeks before the event. To do so, call 607-754-3368.
Questions – e-mail Kelcy Wickman
Hours: 8:00 AM to a half hour after sunset.
Cost: The shelters are rented by the day.
$30.00 - Monday - Thursday Vestal Residents
$50.00 - Monday - Thursday Non-Residents
$75.00 - Friday, Saturday & Sunday Vestal Residents
$95.00 - Friday, Saturday & Sunday Non-Residents
Alcohol is now permitted for $50.00 additional fee (to the Town of Vestal) per shelter per day and there are insurance certificate requirements. Town Code for Alcohol
Click here for information on Obtaining Insurance for Alcohol Permit
There are four covered picnic shelters at Arnold Park located on Andrews Rd., Vestal. They all have water, power and a charcoal grill.
Shelter #1 - holds approximately 125 and is the first shelter on the right as you drive through the park. It is across from the playground. This shelter is the same size as shelter #3. It has 2 charcoal grills.
Shelter #2 - holds approximately 75 and is the second shelter on the right as you drive through the park and has 1 charcoal grill.
Shelter #3 - holds approximately 125 and is the first shelter on the left as you drive through the park. It is near the sand volleyball court. This shelter is the same size as shelter #1. It has 2 charcoal grills.
Shelter #4 - holds approximately 75 and is the brand new shelter at the top of the hill and has 2 charcoal grills.
Tents and Inflatable rides are prohibited. No decorating of pavilion structure allowed. All table coverings and fasteners must be removed upon completion of your picnic. There are no refunds and this includes inclement weather. Any problems after 4:00 PM weekdays or anytime on the weekends, please notify the Vestal Police Department at their non-emergency # at 607-754-2111. (Please do not call for maintenance issues). We do not double book so you have your shelter for the entire day. There are NO water fountains AND spigots will be locked. You can go up to the bathroom if you need to fill a coffee urn or to wash up.