Community Sports Leagues
Listed below are a variety of youth leagues that are available in our community. These leagues are run independently from the Recreation Department. If you have any questions regarding a league listed here, please reach out to the contact person listed for the program.
Broome County American Legion Baseball
Open to ages 16-19 years.
Contact: John Anderson at (607) 727-7843
Vestal Girls Softball League
Open to girls ages 5-12 yrs. Registration starts in February.
Spring League runs April - June. All-Star Season June - July.
Contact: Chris Downey (607) 759-4199
Facebook: Vestal Girls Softball League VGS
Vestal Little League
Co-ed baseball league ages 5-12 years. The league runs from April - June.
Registration starts February 1st.
Facebook: Vestal Little League
Vestal Recreation Youth Soccer Association
Recreational league open to boys & girls 4-16 yrs. Registration in mid-May. Season runs August thru October.
Contact: James Tripp at
Facebook: Vestal Recreational Youth Soccer Association
Vestal Teener Baseball League
Open to players ages 13-19 years.
Contact: Bob Anderson at (607) 422-9300
Email: or
Facebook: Vestal Teener League
Vestal Youth Football League
Flag Football for PreK-2nd Grade. Tackle Football for grades 3rd-6th. Teams are divided by grades.
Cheerleading is available for grades 1st- 8th.
Player levels are determined by the grade child is going into in September.
Contact: Eric Wiggins at (607) 624-8676
Facebook: Vestal Youth Football League
Vestal Youth Lacrosse
Vestal boys and girls leagues - Kindergarten – 6th grades.
Contact: Jenn Gates at
Facebook: Vestal Youth Lacrosse
VYSA - Travel (Vestal Youth Soccer Association
Soccer club is open to all boys and girls ages 4-19 years.
Our program runs all year with indoor soccer in the winter and outdoor in the spring.
Sign-ups are accepted throughout the year.
Contact: Amar Bhandari at
Facebook: Vestal Youth Soccer Association
Vestal Youth Wrestling
Open to Vestal Boys and Girls, ages K - 6th grade.
Contact: Aaron Kaminsky at
Facebook: Vestal Wrestling