Highway Superintendent
The Highway Department is responsible for maintaining approximately 138.78 centerline miles of Town roads. These responsibilities include snow removal, ice control, paving, maintenance of roads, signage, roadway markings, drainage, tree cutting and removal, and brush cutting and removal within the Town’s right of way. It also includes the disposal of non-domestic dead animals in a timely manner if they are on a Town road.
The major responsibility during the winter season is to keep the Town roads clear of ice and snow. We utilize our own work force to accomplish this task. We also ask the cooperation of Town residents in keeping the roads clear of vehicles in order to do the best and safest job possible while plowing and sanding.
The Highway Department is out there working to keep our roads clear so you and your family can travel to your chosen destination safely and without major delay.
It is our policy to have the streets and roads clear of snow as soon as possible. It is no small task since we have 138.78 center line miles and 281.48 lane miles of roadways in the Town to be maintained.
To provide you with the best service, The Highway Department would like to remind you that it needs your full cooperation. It would assist us if you make sure your vehicle is in your driveway, and not in the street, during a storm.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the Highway Department at (607) 785-4616.