What Is Storm Water?
Storm water consists of rainwater or snowmelt that does not percolate through soil and instead flows directly into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). These storm sewer systems ultimately expel into waterways, water bodies, or conveyance ditches within the Town of Vestal by pipes known as "outfalls". Since storm water is transported into clean bodies of water it is important to eliminate pollutants and also maintain the system so that our community is environmentally friendly and at minimal risk of flooding.
To help achieve this, the Town of Vestal has partnered with the Broome-Tioga Stormwater Coalition (BTSC). The organization aims to bring surrounding municipalities together in order to share resources and information to help manage respective storm sewer systems to federal and State requirements. We have also developed an updated Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) to assist our department in monitoring, inspecting, and improving the Town of Vestal's MS4s. You can view the updated plan here.
How Do I Keep My MS4 Clean?
Many MS4s are easily identified by catch basins or ditches located on the shoulder of the road. Preventing pollutants from reaching these systems and harming structures or the environment is the first step. Soap from washing your car, pet waste, and garbage are just a few examples of leading contaminants that you can contain at home. Even vegetative debris or lawn clippings are harmful to storm sewer systems. This is because many contain grates and pipes that can be easily blocked by leaf and grass buildup or lodged branches. The second step is reporting any suspicious activities or storm water characteristics near MS4 structures. Oily sheens, garbage, and bubbles are all examples of "floatables" that hint towards an illicit discharge of storm water. Odors such as sewage, sulfur, or even soap can also indicate an illicit discharge. Be sure to notify one of the contacts on our homepage immediately if you suspect a contaminated MS4, and we'll be sure to halt and eliminate the discharge as soon as possible.
A Storm Water Pollution and Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required in New York State for construction that disturbs more than one acre of property. The plan most importantly outlines preventative measures to keep storm sewer systems, waterbodies, and surrounding areas uncontaminated or undisturbed during construction activities. Any project with an active SWPPP is required by such to submit weekly inspections during construction to our office for review. These inspections are conducted by a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) either from the engineering firm that designed the project, or from the Town of Vestal Engineering department.
There are currently 4 active SWPPP's in the Town of Vestal:
Number | SWPPP Name | Tax Map ID | Status | Date Activated |
#51 | River's Edge | 159.15-1-32 | Active | 10/5/2022 |
#55 | Highway Department Clean Fill Site | 174.04-1-11 | Active | 8/21/2023 |
#56 | The Retreat at Bunn Hill | 174.12-1-4 174.12-1-5 174.12-1-6 174.12-1-7 174.12-1-8 174.12-1-10 | Active | 3/29/2024 |
#58 | Dollar General | 157.79-1-20 | Active | 8/22/2024 |
SWPPPs also detail post-construction storm water control measures. Through reducing runoff rates, filtering, or redirecting flow, a SWPPP ultimately aims to keep storm water contaminant free and controllable long after construction activities have ceased. These methods are also inspected annually by a CPESC to ensure proper operation.
Annual Reports
Our department is responsible for reporting how the Town of Vestal has maintained its MS4s. Through self-auditing and reports filed through the State, we make sure that Town departments are ensuring the quality of their storm water runoff and treatment. See the latest reports below.
Highway Department Storm Water Self-Audit