Police FAQs

How do I apply for a position in the Vestal Police Department?

Anyone interested in working in law enforcement should contact Broome County to learn when exams will be given. The Personnel Office can be reached at 607-778-2185.

Can the Vestal Police Department issue me a pistol permit?

No. The Broome County Sheriff's Department oversees all pistol permits in the county. The pistol permit bureau can be reached at 607-778-2113.

What should I do if I'm involved in a motor vehicle accident?

Under New York State Law, anyone who is operating a motor vehicle that is involved in an accident where someone else's property has been damaged or someone has been injured, must stop and provide the property owner their drivers license and insurance information including his or her home address. If the owner of the property is not available at the time, the driver must report the incident to the nearest police station as soon as physically able.

How do I get a copy of an accident report?

When the officer has completed the accident investigation, a copy of the report may be obtained during normal business hours (Monday - Friday; 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM) at the Vestal Police station located at 605 Vestal Parkway West. It is recommended that you call ahead so the report will be ready when you come to pick it up. The records department number is 607-748-1514.

Can the Vestal Police Department fingerprint me for an employment license?

No. Person's needing fingerprinting for emplyoment should contact the Broome County Sheriff's Department ID division. The Broome County Sheriffs Office phone number is 607 778-2924.

Are there any special parking restrictions during winter months?

There is no on-street parking anywhere within the Town between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM from December 1st through March 31st.

How can I get a copy of a police report?

The Vestal Police Department is governed by the Freedom of Information Law (New York State Public Officers Law, sections 84-90) as far as releasing records that are requested. In most cases a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request must be submitted by mail or in person to the Vestal Town Clerk, 605 Vestal Parkway West, Vestal, NY 13850 or Emailed to Email Wickman. It is then forwarded to the appropriate Town department for review.  You will be notified within five business days regarding your request. There is a $.25 per page charge to offset copying costs.

Can I give information regarding a crime anonymously?

Anyone who wants to discuss confidential information or who would rather leave anonymous tips may call the Detective Division at 607-754-2477 ext. 347. Because you may be forwarded to the voice mail system, information that is of an emergency nature should be passed on by calling 607-754-2111 for an immediate response.

What should I do if I'm pulled over by a police officer?

According to New York State Law, you must comply with a police vehicle and pull over when the emergency lights have been activated. Keep in mind that safety, both yours and the officers, are of prime importance. As soon as you see the emergency lights, turn on your turn signal to let the officer know that you are preparing to pull over. You should pull as far to the right shoulder of the roadway as possible. You should have your drivers license, vehicle registration, and insurance card available for the officer. It is a good idea to turn your vehicles's interior lights on at night. It is also recommended that you keep your hands visible to the officer by placing them on the steering wheel. Following these simple tips will insure that both you and the officer will be safe and that the stop will be as brief as possible.

I received a speeding ticket. What do I do next?

Once a ticket is issued, it is the responsibility of the Vestal Town Court.  

They can be reached at 607-748-1514 - Ext 323 for Judge Sherwood or Ext 322 for Judge Meagher if you have any questions.