Water and Waste Management

Ebill & Autopay now available. You may sign up online, by phone or at the office

The Town of Vestal Water & Wastewater Department provides water and sanitary sewer service to the residents and businesses located in the Town of Vestal.

Maximum production capacity of the Town of Vestal's well sources is 6 million gallons of water per day; the average production was 2.2 million gallons of water per day in 2023. All water sources after treatment meet and exceed all State and Federal regulations as set forth by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the New York State Department of Health.

Service Line Identification Project

Any unpaid water/sewer bills as of October 10th will be levied to the Town and County taxes along with a $150 tax lien fee

Water Rates:
6,000 gallons or less $25.00 minimum
Over 6,000 gallons $2.91 per 1,000 gallons

New Water Rates Effective 1/1/2025 (April 2025 billing)
6,000 gallons or less $35.00 minimum
Over 6,000 gallons $3.90 per 1,000 gallons

Current Sewer Charges - Based on Water Consumption:
10,000 gallons or less $80.00 minimum
Over 10,000 gallons $9.35 per 1,000 gallons
Sewer Capital Cost Charge $7.00 per quarter

Sewer Only (Has Own Well) $90.00 per quarter

New Sewer Rates Effective 1/1/2025 (April 2025 billing)
10,000 gallons or less $90.00 minimum
Over 10,000 gallons $10.00 per 1,000 gallons
Sewer Capital Charge $8.00 per quarter

Sewer Only (Has Own Well) $100.00 per quarter

The Town does not discount water or sewer charges to fill pools, hot tubs or to water lawns.

New Customer Fee Effective 1/1/2025: $28.00

Bills are generated quarterly (January, April, July & October) and mailed to the service address unless a different mailing address is provided by the customer. Failure to receive a bill will not entitle the customer to any delay in the payment of the bill. If a bill is not received, it is the customer's responsibility to call the water department to inquire about their account.

Payments may be made by:

  • Mailed to Town of Vestal Utility Fund 701 Vestal Pkwy W. Vestal, NY 13850. Must be postmarked on or before the due date to avoid a late fee

  • In person at the Town of Vestal Water Department Office 701 Vestal Pkwy W. Vestal, NY 13850 on or before the due date to avoid a late fee. We accept personal checks, cash, money orders or credit cards (service fee applies)

  • Payments may be dropped in the Town of Vestal drop box located in front of the building at 701 Vestal Pkwy W. Vestal, NY 13850. The drop box is emptied each business day at 7:00 am. The payment must be in the box by that time if it was due the previous business day to avoid a late fee.

  • Payment may be made online by credit card or e-check for a fee on or before the due date to avoid a late fee. Use the pay water/sewer bill link provided on the left side of this page

We Do Not accept payments by phone.

10% penalty will be assessed on all unpaid accounts the first business day after the due date. There is no grace period. Payments made on weekends or holidays will be processed the next business day.

Scott Groats

Water & Wastewater Superindendent

701 Vestal Pkwy W

(607) 748-1514 x357

Email Scott Groats


  • Monday 7:30am - 3:30pm

  • Tuesday 7:30am - 3:30pm

  • Wednesday 7:30am - 3:30pm

  • Thursday 7:30am - 3:30pm

  • Friday 7:30am - 3:30pm

Additional Contacts

Water & Waste Water Billing
(607) 748-1514 ext. 314
(607) 748-1514 ext. 315
(607) 748-6683
Email Water & Waste Water Billing

Assistant Water & Wastewater Superintendent
Todd Hunsinger
(607) 748-1514 ext. 358
Email Assistant Water & Wastewater Superintendent

After Hours, Weekend, Emergency
(607) 755-4911

Water & Wastewater Department Fax
(607) 754-2497