Clerk's Office
ALL Birth Certificate Requests provided from this office are ONLY for Home Births. Hospital facilitated birth records can be requested at
For a request of Birth Records please follow the steps below.
Please write a letter and or email with the following: email
Date of Birth
Place of birth
Fathers first and last name
Mothers first and maiden name
Current name and address of applying party
Relationship to person on Birth Certificate
Request must come from person on the Birth Certificate or Lawful Representative
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Dog Licenses: As per the Vestal Dog Licensing & Control Ordinance and provisions of the NYS Agriculture & Markets Law, all dogs 4 months or older, must be licensed annually by the Town Clerk. Proof of current rabies vaccination is required for all dogs. If a dog is altered, a one-time proof of spaying or neutering must also be provided. The license fee (which includes a state mandated surcharge) for a spayed or neutered dog is $15.00 and is $25.00 for an unaltered dog. A late fee of $5.00 is assessed to any dog license renewed later than 5 business days after the expiration date. You can receive a license by mailing all information or postcards, along with payment, to the Vestal Town Clerk or by stopping into the office.
Marriage Licenses: Both applicants must appear in person. Applicants must bring 2 forms of identification, preferably a valid driver license or passport AND original certified birth certificate or baptismal certificate. If the marriage in not the first for either applicant certified proof of divorce, annulment and/or spousal death is required. Those under 18 years of age must be accompanied by parents. Please visit the NYS Health Department website for more information. The cost of a marriage license is $40.00. The license must be obtained at least 24 hours in advance of the marriage ceremony and is good for 60 days.
- Marriage License Application form (appointment is require for Marriage License)Hunting and Fishing Licenses: Hunting and fishing license requirements are established be the New York State Department of Environment Conservation (DECALS). Resident and non-resident licenses may be obtained from the Town Clerk. Resident licenses require yearly proof of NYS residency. All applicants must present proper identification and, where required, must show proof of having completed safety training courses. Additional details about licensing and permits, as well as purchasing a license, can be obtained at Permits, Licenses, and Registrations
Gaming Licenses (bingo, bell jar, games of chance, raffles, casino nights): All organizations needing a Gaming License must file with the NYS Racing and Wagering Board to obtain an identification number prior to applying for a license. Licenses are issued by the Town Clerk and must be processed a minimum of three weeks prior to the event. Under some circumstances, additional filings may be required after an event. Some application forms may be obtained from the Town Clerk’s office but applicants are encouraged to go directly to the NYS Racing & Wagering website to review the regulations and download the most recent forms.
Disabilities Parking (Accessible Parking)(Differently Abled) Permits: Available pursuant to the regulations of the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles, temporary and permanent Disabilities Parking Permits are issued for those residing in the Town of Vestal by the Vestal Town Clerk. An application for a parking permit must be filled out by both the applicant and the applicant’s licensed physician or other authorized medical professional as defined in the state regulations (chiropractors are currently not authorized). Temporary permits can be issued for up to 6 months as determined by the physician. Permanent permits are issued for a 3 year period; however, a new application form is required for renewal if the physician’s portion has not been updated within the last 6 years. There is no charge for a disabilities parking permit.
The Town Clerk also issues additional licenses and permits authorized by local laws. In addition to various requirements specific to each license, all applications for licenses and permits listed below require proof of Workers’ Compensation Insurance or a signed waiver. Please refer to the appropriate sections of Chapter 12 of the Vestal Code for additional details.
Peddler and Solicitor Licenses: See Chapter 12, Article VII of the Town Code. The license fees are $35.00 per day and $100.00 per month for up to 2 people on a license. For up to 5 people on a license, the monthly fee is $150.00 and for more than 5 persons, the monthly fee is $200.00. Depending on the type of application, a cleanup deposit of $100.00 and a sign permit from the Code Department may also be required.
Live Entertainment Licenses: See Chapter 12, Article VI of the Town Code. License fees vary and Town Board approval may be required.
Second Hand Dealer Licenses: See Chapter 12, Article V of the Town Code. The license fee is $50.00 per year.
Transient Merchant Licenses: See Chapter 12, Article VIII of the Town Code. The license fee is $250.00 per month.
Promotional Licenses: See Chapter 12, Article X of the Town Code. The license fee is $500.00 per month
Farmers Market: The application requires proper identification, the location of the space and a general description of goods to be sold. The fee for each space is $25.00.